Lecturer, College Of Natural And Applied Sciences

PhD Degree in Oil, Gas and Geothermal Energy MSc in Chemistry BSc with Education (Physics and Chemistry)


CH 251:  Formation and Composition of Petroleum

CH 308:   Polymer Chemistry

CH 357:  Fuel Chemistry and Technology

 CH 379: Organomettalic Chemistry


Dr. Makungu Marco Madirisha undertakes research in Oilfield and Geothermal Chemistry (OGC), as well as Circular Chemistry (CC). His research in OGC focuses on cementing, drilling fluid, and enhanced oil recovery, as well as flow assurance problems. Next to OGC, his research in CC aims at establishing chemical processes as truly circular and sustainable. The research brings on board the green/sustainable chemistry principles more comprehensively to the resource-dependent chemical industry. Principally, his research in CC aims at replacing today’s linear ‘take–make–dispose’ approach with circular processes (circular economy) which optimizes resource efficiency across chemical value chains and enable a closed-loop, waste-free chemical industry.


  1. UDSM Grant Award of 29,977,000/= TZS for the research project on Bio-waste Materials as Viable Option for Renewable Energy, Sustainable Agriculture, and Carbon Sequestration in Tanzania. 2020 –
  2. UDSM Grant Award of 100,000,000/= TZS for research on the Potential of Tanzania Clay Minerals and Agro-Wastes for the Production of Engineering Materials: A Means to Combine a Challenge of Climate Change and Materials Development. University of Dar es Salaam. 2022-
  3. EU Tanzania Capacity Building project, scoping research projects Tranche 2; 2017 – 2018; €15,000. A joint project between UDSM and Aberdeen University, Phase 1
  4.  EU Tanzania Capacity Building project, scoping research projects Tranche 2; 2017 – 2018; €15,000. A joint project between UDSM and Aberdeen University, Phase 2.
  5. Petroleum and Geothermal Energy: Tanzania Dutch Energy Capacity Building Project (TDECB) - NICHE-TZA,  2016 – 2019
  6. UDSM Grant Award of 29,983,000/= TZS for research on the Formulation, Chemical Characterization and Performance Test of Water-Based Drilling Mud from Local Materials Found in Tanzania; 2018-2019.
  7. UDSM Grant Award of 30,000,000/= TZS for research on Formulation and Performance of Adsorbents from Local Materials for Onboard Storage of Natural Gas: A Key in Addressing Climate Change, University of Dar es Salaam. 2022-


  1. Omary, P. M., Ricky, E. X., Kasimu, N. A., Madirisha, M. M., Kilulya, K. F., & Lugwisha, E. H. (2023). Potential of Kaolin Clay on Formulation of Water Based Drilling Mud Reinforced with Biopolymer, Surfactant, and Limestone. Tanzania Journal of Science49(1), 218-229.
  2. Deogratias, G., Madirisha, M., & Jacob, F. (2022). Explicit Solutions for Real-time Reversible Inhibition Kinetics using Lambert W Function: Towards Progress Curve Analysis. Tanzania Journal of Science48(4), 886-896.
  3. Madirisha, M., Hack, R., & Van der Meer, F. (2022). The influence of chelating agents on clays in geothermal reservoir formations: Implications to reservoir acid stimulation. Geothermics, 99, 102305.
  4. Madirisha, M., Hack, R., & Van der Meer, F. (2022). Simulated microbial corrosion in oil, gas and non-volcanic geothermal energy installations: The role of biofilm on pipeline corrosion. Energy Reports, 8, 2964-2975.
  5. Madirisha, M., Hack, R., & van der Meer, F. (2022). The role of organic acid metabolites in geo-energy pipeline corrosion in a sulfate-reducing bacteria environment. Heliyon, 8(5), e09420